My research, and hence my publications are interdisciplinary and evolve in a consistent set of themes. Earliest publications are on the topic of strategy and HRM. This developed into my dissertation work that linked strategy and HRM in international joint ventures. Building from the dissertation, and with generous funding from a postdoctoral fellowship and from a faculty research grant from INSEAD in France, during the period 1991-1992 I focused my research efforts on the same topic (strategy and HRM in joint ventures), but in the developing economies of Central and Eastern Europe. This was fascinating work that was both professionally and personally satisfying, and continued to approximately 1997 when I shifted the emphasis to examine strategic alliances, but this time in the high tech sector of British Columbia. Most recently, my work has been on the topics of e-business, localization of web content across cultures, and how to build e-loyalty across cultures in online environments. This is a blend of the earlier work on culture, with a new emphasis related to business conducted on the Internet.
Peer reviewed and other publications appear in a variety of venues as noted below. In addition to the works listed, there are a number of working papers and papers under review that are products of research on e-loyalty funded through a variety of grants.
Cyr, D., Head, M., Lim, E., and Stibe, A. (2018). Using the Elaboration Likelihood Model to Examine Online Persuasion through Website Design. Information and Management, 55(7), 807-821.
Crutzen, R., Cyr, D., Taylor, S.E., Lim, E., and Ruiter, R. (2017). Self-Reevaluation and Anticipated Regret did not Change Attitude, nor Perceived Distance in an Online Context. Frontiers in Psychology, 7:2038. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.02038.
Cyr, D., Gefen, D., and Walczuch, R. (2017). Exploring the Relative Impact of Biological Sex and Masculinity-Femininity Values on Information Technology Use. Behaviour & Information Technology, 36(2), 178-193. published online doi: 10.1080/0144929X.2016.1212091.
Mishra, A., Dash, S., Mahotra, N. and Cyr, D. (2015). Measuring consumer design perceptions for digital devices: A multi-dimensional scale. Journal of Brand Management, 22(7), 603-630.
Cyr, D. (2014). Return Visits: A Review of how Web Site Design Can Engender Visitor Loyalty. Journal of Information Technology, 29, 1-26.
Mishra, A., Dash, S. and Cyr, D. (2014). Linking User Experience and Consumer based Brand Equity: The Moderating Role of Consumer Expertise and Lifestyle. Journal of Product and Brand Management, 23(4/5), 333-348.
Ivanov, A. and Cyr, D. (2014). Satisfaction with Outcome and Process from Web-based Meetings for Idea Generation and Selection: The Roles of Instrumentality, Enjoyment, and Interface Design. Telematics and Informatics, 31, 543-558.
Mishra, A., Dash, S. and Cyr, D. (2014). Consumer-based Brand Equity derived from Visual Design Perception of Interactive Devices. International Journal of Visual Design, 8(1), 1-16.
Cyr, D. and Head, M. (2013). The Impact of Task Framing and Viewing Time on User Website Perceptions and Viewing Behavior. International Journal of Human Computer Studies, 71(12), 1089-1102.
Cyr, D. (2013). Website Design, Trust and Culture: An Eight Country Investigation. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 12, 373-385.
Cyr, D., and Head, M. (2013). Website Design in an International Context: The Role of Gender in Masculine versus Feminine Oriented Countries. Computers in Human Behavior, 29(4), 1358-1367.
Crutzen, R., Cyr, D., Larios, H., Ruiter, R., and de Vries, N. (2013). Social Presence and Use of Internet-delivered Interventions: A Multi-method Approach. PLOS ONE, 8(2), e57067. Online only at
Lim, E., Tan, C.W., Cyr, D., Pan, S., and Xiao, B. (2012). Advancing Public Trust Relationships in Electronic Government: The Singapore E-Filing Journey. Information Systems Research, 23(4), 1110-1130.
Crutzen, R., Cyr, D., and K de Vries, N. (2012). The Role of User Control in Adherence to and Knowledge Gained from a Website: Randomized Comparison Between a Tunneled Version and a Freedom-of-Choice Version. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 14(2).
Crutzen, R., Cyr, D., and K de Vries, N. (2011). Bringing Loyalty to E-health: Theory Validation using Three Internet-delivered Interventions. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 13(3), 73-84.
Ganguly, B., Dash, S. and Cyr, D. (2011). The Influence of Website Characteristics on Trust in Online Travel Portals in India: The Moderating Role of Demographic and Psychographic Variables. Tourism Recreation Research, 36(1), 57-68.
Cyr, D., Head, J., Larios, H. (2010). Colour Appeal in Website Design within and across Cultures: A Multi-method Evaluation. International Journal of Human Computer Studies, 68(1-2), 1-21.
Campbell, C., Papania, L., Parent, M., and Cyr, D. (2010). An Exploratory Study into Brand Alignment in B2B Relationships. Industrial Marketing Management, 39(5), 712-720.
Ganguly, B., Cyr, D., Dash, S. and Head, M. (2010). The Effects of Website Design on Purchase Intention in Online Shopping: The Mediating Role of Trust and the Moderating Role of Culture. International Journal of Electronic Business, 8(4), 302-330.
Cyr, D., Head, M., Larios, H. and Pan, B. (2009). Exploring Human Images in Website Design: A Multi-Method Approach. MIS Quarterly, 33(3), 539-566. Received the MIS Quarterly "Best Paper of 2009" Award and the "Senior Scholars Best IS Publication Award 2009".
Cyr, D., Head, M., and Ivanov, A. (2009). Perceived Interactivity leading to E-loyalty: Development of a Model for Cognitive-Affective User Responses. International Journal of Human Computer Studies, 67(10), 850-869.
Ganguly, B., Dash, S. and Cyr, D. (2009). Website Characteristics, Trust, and Purchase Intention in Online Stores: An Empirical Study in the Indian Context. Journal of Information Science and Technology, 6(2), 22-44.
Cyr, D., Kindra, G. and Dash, S. (2008). Website Design, Trust, Satisfaction, and E-loyalty: The Indian Experience. Online Information Review, 32(6), 773-790.
Cyr, D. (2008). Modelling Website Design across Cultures: Relationships to Trust, Satisfaction and E-loyalty. Journal of Management Information Systems, 24(4), 47-72.
Bertheron, P., Pitt, L., Cyr, D., and Campbell, C. (2008). e-Readiness and Trust: Macro and Micro Dualities for E-Commerce in a Global Environment. International Journal of Marketing, 25(6), 700-714.
Ilsever, J., Cyr, D., and Parent, M. (2007). Extending Models of Flow and E-loyalty. Journal of Information Science and Technology, 3(4), 3-22.
Cyr, D., Hassanein, K., Head, M. and Ivanov, A. (2007). The Role of Social Presence in Establishing Loyalty in e-Service Environments. Interacting with Computers. Special Issue on Moving Face-to-Face Communication to Web-based Communication, 19(1), 43-56. This paper was listed 4th in the “Top 25 Hottest Articles” (and hence 4th most downloaded) in Interacting with Computers for July-September 2007.
Cyr, D., Head, M. and Ivanov, A. (2006). Design Aesthetics Leading to M-loyalty in Mobile Commerce. Information and Management, 43(8), 950-963.
Ivanov A. and Cyr D. (2006). The Concept Plot: a Concept Mapping Visualization Tool for Asynchronous Web-based Brainstorming Sessions. Information Visualization, 5(3), 185-191.
Cyr, D., and Bonanni, C. (2005). Gender and Website Design in E-Business. International Journal of Electronic Business, 3(6), 565-582.
Cyr, D., Bonanni, C., Bowes, J., and Ilsever, J. (2005). Beyond Trust: Website Design Preferences Across Cultures. Journal of GlobalInformation Management, 13(4), 24-52.
Cyr, D. and H. Trevor-Smith (2004). Localization of Web Design: A Comparison of German, Japanese, and U.S. Website Characteristics.Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 55(13) 1-10.
Cyr, Dianne. (2003). Turning Back the Clock: Joint Venture Transition at the Post-Communist Dawn. Thunderbird International Business Review, 45(6), 779-797.
Cyr, Dianne and Lew, Richard. (2003). Emerging Challenges in the Software Localization Industry. Thunderbird International Business Review, 45(3), 337-358.
Cyr, Dianne. and Lew, Richard. (2003). The Localization Industry: A Profile of DNA Media. International Business and Economics Journal, 2(2), 109-122.
Cyr, Dianne. (1999). High Tech - High Impact: Creating Canada's Competitive Advantage through Technology Alliances. Academy of Management Executive, 13(2),17-28
Cyr, Dianne. (1999). Industry Minister John Manley on Technology and Competitiveness. Academy of Management Executive, 13(2), 8-12.
Cyr, Dianne. (1999). Sierra Systems' CEO Grant Gisel on High Technology Alliances. Academy of Management Executive, 13(2), 13-16.
Cyr, Dianne J. (1997). Culture and Control: The Tale of East-West Joint Ventures. Management International Review, 37(1), 127-144.
Cyr, Dianne J. and Susan C. Schneider. (1996). Implications for Learning: HRM in East-West Joint Ventures. Organization Studies, 17(2), 207-26.
Cyr, Dianne J. and Peter J. Frost. (1993). Human Resource Management Practice in China: A Future Perspective. Human Resource Management Journal, 30(2), 199-215.
Cyr, Dianne and Paul Bourque. (1982). Evaluation of an Assertiveness Training Program in a Maximum Security Correctional Setting. Canadian Journal of Criminology, 24, 1, 51-59.
Silic, M. and Cyr, D. (2017). Effects of Color Appeal, Perceived Risk and Culture on User’s Compliance with Warning Banner Message. Proceedings Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS),), Big Island, Hawaii.
Dasgupta, S., Saraf, N., Cyr, D. and Goh, J.M. (2017). The Impact of Social Media on Copycat Suicides. INFORMS, October 22-23, 2017, Houston, Texas.
Dasgupta, S., Saraf, N., Cyr, D. and Goh, J.M. (2017). Social Media and Celebrity Suicides. Western Canadian Big Data Health Conference, September 28-29, Banff, Alberta.
Saraf, N., Dasgupta S., Cyr, D., and Berrios, C. (2016). Social Media and Mental Health: An Investigation of Behavioral Contagion of Celebrity Suicides. SIGHealth workshop at ICIS: Design, Innovation, and Impact of Healthcare IT, Dublin, Ireland.
Silic, M. and Cyr, D. (2016). Colour Arousal Effect on User’s Decision-making Processes in the Warning Message Context. Proceedings for HCI International 2016, Toronto.
Cyr, D., Head, M., Lim, E.T.K., and Stibe, A. (2015). The Art of Online Persuasion through Design: The Role of Issue Involvement as it Influences Users based on Prior Knowledge. Proceedings for the Fourteenth Pre-ICIS HCI Research in MIS Workshop (HCI/MIS’12), Fort Worth, Texas. Received Best Paper Award.
Lim, E. T.K., Cyr, D., and Tan, C.W. (2014). Understanding Members' Attachment to Social Networking Sites: An Empirical Investigation of Three Theories. Proceedings Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Big Island, Hawaii.
Mishra, A., Dash, S., and Cyr, D. (2014). The Effect of Consumer Visual Design Perception on Brand Equity of Interactive Devices: A Smartphone Perspective. Proceedings Eighth International Conference in Design Principles and Practices, Vancouver.
Mishra, A., Dash, S., Malhotra, N., Cyr, D., and Basu, S. (2013). Scale development to Measure Consumer Design Perception. Proceedings Annual Conference of Emerging Markets Conference Board, Lucknow, India. Received Best Paper Award.
Mishra, A., Dash, S.B., Cyr, D. and Basu, S. (2013). Dimensionalization of Consumer Design Perception. Proceedings Emerging Markets Conference Board, NMMU Marketing Conference, Port Elizabeth, South Africa. Nominated for Best Paper Award.
Lim, E.T.K., Tan, C.W., Seo, D., Cyr, D., deVries, K. (2013). An Empirical Investigation of the Impact of Online Product Presentation on Hedonic Web Shopping. Proceedings for the Twelfth Pre-ICIS HCI Research in MIS Workshop (HCI/MIS’12), Milan, Italy.
Lim, E., Cyr, D., and Tan, C.W. (2012). Untangling Utilitarian and Hedonic Consumption Behaviors in Online Shopping. Proceedings for Pacific-Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2012), Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
Mishra, A., Dash, S., Malhotra, N., Cyr, D., and Basu, S. (2013). Scale development to Measure Consumer Design Perception. Proceedings Annual Conference of Emerging Markets Conference Board, Lucknow, India. Received Best Paper Award.
Mishra, A., Dash, S.B., Cyr, D. and Basu, S. (2013). Dimensionalization of Consumer Design Perception. Proceedings Emerging Markets Conference Board, NMMU Marketing Conference, Port Elizabeth, South Africa. Nominated for Best Paper Award.
Lim, E.T.K., Tan, C.W., Seo, D., Cyr, D., deVries, K. (2013). An Empirical Investigation of the Impact of Online Product Presentation on Hedonic Web Shopping. Proceedings for the Twelfth Pre-ICIS HCI Research in MIS Workshop (HCI/MIS’12), Milan, Italy.
Crutzen, R., Cyr, D., and K de Vries, N. (2012). Libertarian Paternalism as a Way to Increase Use of Internet-delivered Interventions. Proceedings for 26th EHPS Conference, Prague, Czech Republic.
Cuido, A.D., Lim, E.T., Tan, C.W. and Cyr, D. (2011). Towards an Inclusive Model of E-Service Quality: A Content Analysis Study of Dutch E-Commerce Websites. Proceedings for the Tenth Pre-ICIS HCI Research in MIS Workshop (HCI/MIS'08), Shanghai, China.
Lim, E.T.K. and Cyr, D. (2010). Modeling Utilitarian Consumption Behaviors in Online Shopping. An Expectation Disconfirmation Perspective, 16th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Lima, Peru.
Cyr, D. (2010). Website Design and Trust across Cultures. Proceedings for Cultural Attitudes towards Technology and Communication (CATaC), Vancouver.
Lim, E.T.K. and Cyr, D. (2009). Modeling Hedonic Consumption Behaviors in Online Shopping. Proceedings for the Eighth Pre-ICIS HCI Research in MIS Workshop (HCI/MIS'08), Phoenix.
Cyr, D., Gefen, D., and Walczuch, R. (2009). Masculinity-Femininity Values and Biological Sex: New Perspectives related to TAM, Online Trust and Social Presence. Proceedings for the Pre-ICIS Cross-cultural Workshop, Phoenix.
Cyr, D. (2009). Gender and Website Design across Cultures. Proceedings for the 17th European Conference on Information Systems, Verona Italy.
Ganguly, B., Dash, S., Cyr, D., and Head M. (2009). The Effects of Website Design on Purchase Intention in Online Shopping: The Mediating Role of Trust and the Moderating Role of Culture. Proceedings for INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, Ann Arbor Michigan.
Cyr, D. (2008). Website Design, Trust, Satisfaction and Loyalty: A Multiple Country Investigation. Proceedings for the Seventh Pre-ICIS HCI Research in MIS Workshop (HCI/MIS’07), Paris. Received Best Paper Award.
Cyr, D. and Head, M. (2008). Hedonic and Utilitarian Contexts in Website Viewing: The impacts of framing and time constraints. Proceedings for the Seventh Pre-ICIS HCI Research in MIS Workshop (HCI/MIS’07), Paris.
Parent, M., Cyr, D., Campbell, C. and Papania, L. (2008). Measuring B2B Brand Personality Alignment between Industrial Firms and their Suppliers. Corporate Identity/Association Research Group 5th International Conference on Strategically Managing Corporate Reputation and Identity, May 26-28, Simon Fraser University.
Cyr, D., Head, J., Larios, H. (2008) Colour Appeal in Website Design within and across Cultures: A Multi-method Evaluation. Proceedings for the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC), Halifax. Nominated for Best Paper.
Cyr, D., Head, M., and Ivanov, A. (2007). Perceived Interactivity Leading to E-loyalty: An Empirical Investigation of Web-poll Design. Proceedings for the Sixth Pre-ICIS HCI Research in MIS Workshop (HCI/MIS’07), Montreal.
Ivanov, A. and Cyr, D. (2007). The Influence of Visualizing Social Comparison on User Satisfaction in Electronic Brainstorming. Proceedings for International Resources Management Association International (IRMA), Vancouver.
Cyr, D., Head, J., Larios, H. and Pan, B. (2006). Exploring Human Images in Website Design Across Cultures: A Multi-Method Approach. Proceedings for the Fifth Pre-ICIS HCI Research in MIS Workshop (HCI/MIS’06), Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Nominated for Best Paper Award.
Cyr, D., Head, M., and Ivanov, A. (2006). Exploring Website Design and Mobility for Culture, Age, and Gender. Proceedings for the European Applied Research Conference, Florence, Italy. Received Best Paper Award.
Cyr, D., Hassanein, K., Head, M., and Ivanov, A. (2006). The Role of Social Presence in Establishing Loyalty in e-Service Environments. Proceedings of the 7th World Congress on the Management of Electronic Business, Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Cyr, D. (2006), Website Design and Loyalty. Proceedings for the European Applied Research Conference, Siena, Italy, 2006.
Cyr, D., Kindra, G. and Satyabhusan Dash. (2006). Website Design, Trust, Satisfaction and E-loyalty: The Indian Experience. Proceedings of the 7th World Congress on the Management of Electronic Business, Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Cyr, D., Head, M., and Ivanov, A. (2006). Exploring Website Design and Mobility for Culture, Age, and Gender. Proceedings for the European Applied Research Conference, Florence, Italy.
Ivanov, A., Erickson, T., and Cyr, D. (2006). Plot-polling: Collaborative Knowledge Visualization for Online Discussions. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Information Visualization (IV 2006), London, England: IEEE Computer Society Press.
Cyr, D. Building E-loyalty through Website Design (2006). Proceedings of the National Business and Economics Society Conference, Los Cabos, Mexico.
Cyr, D., Head, M., and Ivanov, A. (2005). Website Design and Mobility: Culture, Gender and Age Comparisons. Proceedings for the Fourth Pre-ICIS HCI Research in MIS Workshop (HCI/MIS’05), Las Vegas. Nominated for Best Paper Award.
Cyr, D. and Bonanni, C. (2005). Gender and Website Design in E-business. Proceedings for the 6th World Congress on the Management of Electronic Business, McMaster University, Hamilton Ontario.
Bonanni, C. and Cyr, D. (2004). Trust and Loyalty: A Cross-Cultural Comparison. Proceedings for the International Conference of Business, Economics and Management Disciplines. Fredericton, New Brunswick.
Cyr, D. Bonanni, C, and Ilsever, J. (2004). Design and E-loyalty Across Cultures in Electronic Commerce. Proceedings for the Sixth International Conference on Electronic Commerce (ICEC04).
Cyr, D., Ilsever, J., Bonanni, C., and Bowes, J. (2004). Website Design and Culture: An Empirical Investigation, Designing for Global Markets 6. Proceedings for the International Workshop for the Internationalisation of Products and Systems Conference.
Evers, V., del Galdo, E., Cyr, D. and Bonanni, C. (Eds) (2004). Designing for Global Markets 6. Proceedings for the Sixth Annual Workshop on Internationalisation of Products and Systems. Vancouver: BondRepro.
Cyr, D., Bowes, J., Budd, J. and Ilsever, J. (2003). Managing E-loyalty through Experience Design: Cross-Cultural Perspectives, Designing for Global Markets 5. Proceedings for the International Workshop for the Internationalisation of Products and Systems Conference, 213-226.
Cyr, D. and Lew, R. (2002). The Localization Industry: A Profile of DNA Media, Proceedings for the Applied Business Research Conference.
Cyr, D. and Trevor-Smith, H. (2001) Building E-Loyalty Across Cultures and Organizational Boundaries in E-business. Proceedings for the Applied Business Research Conference.
Cyr, D. and Trevor-Smith, H. (2001) A Web Enabled Case Study in Project Management. Proceedings for the International Business Education and Technology Conference.
Cyr, D.J. (2000). Strategic Alliance in High Technology Industries: A Bargaining Power Perspective. Proceedings for the Applied Business Research Conference.
Cyr, Dianne J. (1989). Strategic Links to HRM Power: Examining the Themes of Alignment, Accountability, Context and Culture in Organizations. In the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Proceedings.
Cyr, D. and H. Larios (2003). Managing E-loyalty through Experience Design: Results of a Four Nation Study. This abbreviated corporate report summarizes results from the first phase of the e-loyalty research including data charts and interview transcriptions.
For information about how to obtain a full version of the report (90 pages) visit Flintbox at:
Cyr, Dianne. (2010). Variations on a Theme: Creating Culturally Sensitive Websites for Diverse Users. In Andrea Edmundson (Editor), Cases on Globalized and Culturally Appropriate E-Learning: Challenges and Solutions. IGI Global.
Cyr, Dianne J. (1997). Organizational Transformation in the Czech Republic: An HRM Perspective. Czech Management Centre case series. Teaching note included.
Cyr, Dianne J. and Susan C. Schneider. (1994). Creating a Learning Organization through HRM: A German-Czech Joint Venture in the Czech Republic. INSEAD case series. Teaching note included.
Cyr, Dianne J. and Susan C. Schneider. (1994). Creating Strategic Change through People: The Case of a French-Polish Joint Venture in Poland. INSEAD case series. Teaching note included.
Cyr, Dianne J. and Susan C. Schneider. (1994). Creating Cultural Change in a Swedish-Hungarian Joint Venture in Hungary. INSEAD case series. Teaching note included