Dianne Cyr Ph.D.
Conference Organization
I am active in the organization of various conferences and conference activities. Most recently I have been involved in leadership roles for the Association of Information Systems (AIS) including the premier conference in information systems (ICIS). This has included: ICIS SIGHCI Chair Elect, Chair, and Past Chair (2010-13); SIGHCI Workshop Co-Chair (2011-2012); Chair or Co-Chair of the ICIS Womens Annual Breakfast (2005-2008); and Co-Chair Visual Media Track (2011-2012). In addition, I have been: ASAC Paper Review Chair, Program Chair, Division Chair (2006-2008) for the IS division; Conference Chair and Program Co-Chair for the International Workshop for the Internationalisation of Products and Systems (2004); and Program Committee Member for numerous conferences, among other activities. A detailed list appears below.
Institution Building
As a leader and founding faculty member during the start-up phase of TechBC
during 1998-2002, I gained substantial experience in planning and policy
development as part of university service. As noted in the section of my
profile under Teaching Activities, I led in the development of the Management
and Technology program. Committee membership during this time was intense
and comprehensive, and included:
University Review Committee (received training in administrative justice)
University Ethics Committee
Chair Undergraduate Admissions Committee
Academic Planning Committee
Faculty Recruitment Committee
Graduate Coordination and Planning Committee
Graduate Advisory Group
Research Task Force
Faculty Policies and Development Group
Co-op Development Group
Learner Recruitment Committee
Space Planning Committee
Co-Director for the Center for E-Business at TechBC (2000-2001) and Director
(2001-2002) aimed at fostering e-business projects between TechBC and the
business community.
Since 2002 to the present, service in the School of Business at SFU includes:
- Academic Director, Business Technology Management (BTM) Certification Program (2011-2016)
- Academic Director, Surrey PT MBA Program (2013-2015)
- Graduate Program Committee (2014-2015)
- Planning and Priorities Committee (2014-2015)
- Member, Tenure and Promotion Committee (2013-2014)
- Member, Senate Committee: Calendar Committee (2012-2013)
- Member, Surrey Business Planning Committee (2012-2013)
- SFU Senator (2010-2013)
- Member, Senate Committee on University Priorities (SCUP) (2010-2012)
- FBA Ph.D. Committee (2008-2009)
- Member, Development of an M.Sc. at Surrey (2009)
- Interim Associate Director, Surrey Campus (November 17th - December 24th 2008)
- Management and Systems Science Program Steering Committee (2007- )
- Member of the Surrey Business Planning Committee to implement the Business program at Surrey (2003- )
- Northwest Summit Program Manager – Hosted by MIS at SFU in 2008 and includes 6 universities (2007-2008)
- Surrey Campus Business Selection Committee (2007-2008)
- Member of the Dean's Search Committee (2006-2007)
- Member of the Tenure and Promotion Committee (2006-2007)
- Member of the Program Advisory Committee for Continuing Studies - Management and Professional Programs (2006-2007)
- Member of the GDBA committee (2005-2006)
- Member of the Surrey Business Planning Committee to redevelop the Management and Technology program (2003-2004)
- Member of SFU Surrey Long Term Planning Committee
- Member of the SFU Surrey Faculty Promotion Committee (2002-2003)
Academic Reviewer
Other service activities have been as an academic reviewer for journals
and grants. These include:
Grant Review
- Member of SSHRC Committee 29 (Business: marketing, international business, management of information systems, business policy) (2009-2010)
- Reviewer for SSHRC Standard Research Grant (2009)
- Academic Reviewer for Research Grant, National University of Singapore (2008)
- Invited committee member to review mid-term progress of grants funded by SSHRC (INE category) in the Research Alliances program. These grants have a maximum value of $900,000 over three years (2004).
- Academic Reviewer for SSHRC INE (Innovation in the New Economy) Research grants.
Journal Paper Review
- International Journal of Human-Computer Studies;
- Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce;
- Information Systems Journal;
- Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication.
- Invited member of the Review Board for a special issue of the Elsevier journal,
Interacting with Computers titled “Universal Usability Revisted” (2004);
- Information Systems Research;
- IEEE (Special issue on e-business innovation);
- Organization Science;
- Academy of Management Journal;
- Thunderbird International Business Review;
- Applied Psychology;
- The Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences;
- CJAS Special Issue on Global Business and Technology;
- MIS Quarterly;
- Journal Global Information Management.
Conference Paper Review
- ICIS Human Computer Interaction Workshop;
- European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS);
- Academy of Management;
- HICSS – HCI track;
- International Conference on Information Systems;
- Association of Internet Researchers;
- International Conference of Electronic Commerce;
- McMaster World Congress;
- Administrative Sciences Association of Canada;
- Academy of Management;
- International Workshop for the Internationalisation of
Products and Systems.
I am also interested
in supporting student organizations. Earlier service involved
Membership on the Board of Advisors for AIESIC International Student
Organization at SFU (1997-1999).
External Service Activities
- Academic Reviewer for many top tier and mid-tier journals and conferences since 1996
- Advisory Board Member, Association for Information Systems Women's Network (AISWN)(2015-)
- Advisory Board Member, Special Interest Group Human Computer Interaction (2013 - )
- Steering Committee Member, BTM National Academic Conference, Edmonton (2015-2016)
- Steering Committee Member, BTM Talent Mash (2015-2016)
- Member, Business Technology Management (BTM) National Steering Committee for BTM Talent Mash (hosted by SFU locally)(2015-2016)
- Invited Mentor, Junior Faculty Consortium, ICIS, Fort Worth Texas (2015)
- Program Committee member, Twelfth Annual Pre-ICIS HCI/MIS Workshop, Milan Italy (2013)
- Chair, "Women in IS - Networking Session", Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2013)
- Editorial Review Board, Journal of the Association for Information Systems (JAIS) (2011-2013)
- Co-Chair, ICIS new track in Visual Media (2011;2012)
- ICIS 2011 HCISIG Workshop Co-Chair
- Program Committee member, Mediterranean Conference for Information Systems, Cyprus (2011)
- Chair Elect, Chair, Past Chair for the HCISIG for AIS for five conferences including the ICIS pre-conference HCI workshop (2010-2013)
- Program Committee member, Ninth Annual Pre-ICIS HCI/MIS Workshop, St. Louis (2010)
- Program Committee member, Eighth Annual Pre-ICIS HCI/MIS Workshop, Phoenix (2009)
- Program Committee member, World Congress on Privacy, Security, Trust and the Management of E-business (2009)
- ASAC Elected Paper Review Chair for the IS division (for the conference in 2006); Program Chair (2007), and Division Chair (2008)
- ICIS Women's Annual Breakfast, Co-Chair (2005, 2006), and Chair (2007, 2008)
- Program Committee member, Sixth International Conference on Mobile Business (ICMB2007), Toronto, (2006-2007)
- Joint Coordinator for a Workshop “Revisiting Online Trust: Concepts, Implications, and Future Directions”. ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work. Banff, November 4-6 (2006)
- Program committee member, 5 th Annual Pre ICIS HCI/MIS Workshop, Milwaukee, Wisconsin (2006)
- Program committee member, 8 th International Conference on Electronic Commerce (Business to Consumer E-Commerce Track), Fredericton, New Brunswick (2006)
- Program committee member, Seventh World Congress on the Management of e-Business, July, Halifax (2006)
Media Relations
My research has garnered interest from various media outlets including television, print, and radio. A sample of these interviews and other coverage appears below. In 2007 I received a letter of commendation from the President of SFU for news media and university service.
- Globe and Mail - "The Persuasiveness of Website Design" by Darah Hansen, 6 May 2016
- CBC Radio - January 31, 2013
- Global TV - September 18, 2012
- CKNW News Radio - Simi Sara Show, September 14, 2011
- CBC Radio - December 30, 2010
- CBC TV - The National, December 21, 2010
- CTV - December 17, 2010 [Accessed at: click here]
- Vancouver Sun - October 14, 2010 [Accessed at: click here]
- National Post - April 7 2009 [Accessed at: click here]
- Globe and Mail - November 2007 [Accessed at: click here]
- TechTV - October 5, 2007 - "The Lab with Leo Laporte" which airs on G4TechTV Canada reaches 1.5 million homes across Canada, and is also seen in Australia on the How To network which reaches 1.2 million viewers.
- National Post - July 27, 2006 [Accessed at: click here]
- Higher Learning - July/August 2004, pages 32-33
- SFU Connect - March 5, 2004
- Vancouver Sun - March 12, 2004 [Download PDF]
- Vancouver Province - March 11, 2004 [Download PDF]
- CKNW News - March 14, 2004 [Download PDF]