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I have received recognition for my academic and business pursuits in a variety of ways.

Awards and honors include:

2018 Citation for outstanding teaching performance (Beedie School of Business) Fall 2018 semester (received instructor rating of 3.67/4 and course rating of 4/4 for BUS 486)
2017 Citation for outstanding teaching performance (Beedie School of Business) Fall 2017 semester (received instructor rating of 3.78/4 for BUS 486))
2016 Citation for outstanding teaching performance (Beedie School of Business) Spring 2016 semester (received instructor rating of 3.96/4 in the Part-time MBA)
2015 Best Paper Award for "The Role of Issue Involvement as it Influences Users based on Prior Knowledge" presented at the Fourteenth Pre-ICIS HCI Research in MIS Workshop, Fort Worth, Texas.
2015 Citation for outstanding teaching performance (Beedie School of Business) Spring 2015 semester (received instructor rating of 4/4 in the Part-time MBA)
2014 Letter of commendation for outstanding teaching performance (Beedie School of Business) Spring and Fall 2014 semesters
2013 Letter of commendation for outstanding teaching performance (Beedie School of Business) Fall 2012 semester
2013 Most Cited Paper Award in the International Journal of Human-Computer Studies. Papers for this distinction are determined solely based on the highest number of cites, excluding self-citations, received for all journal articles published between the years 2010 and 2012 [data culled from SCOPUS reports ( created on January 7, 2013]
2013 Best Paper Award for "Scale development to Measure Consumer Design Perception" presented at the Annual Conference of Emerging Markets Conference Board, Lucknow, India.
2012 Outstanding Service Award for leadership in the SIGHCI (Special Interest Group for Human Computer Interaction)
2012 Letter of commendation for outstanding teaching performance (Beedie School of Business) Spring 2012 semester
2011 AIS Technology Challenge Award for contributions to the AIS Special Interest Group in Human Computer Interaction

Details at:
2011 Letter of commendation for outstanding teaching performance (Beedie School of Business) Fall semester
2010 "Senior Scholars Best IS Publication Award" for 2009
2010 MIS Quarterly "Best Paper of 2009" Award
2010 Most Cited Paper Award for Interacting with Computers. Papers for this distinction are determined solely based on the highest number of cites, excluding self-citations, received for all journal articles published between the years 2007-2009 [data culled from SCOPUS reports ( created on January 12, 2010].
2009 SFU Faculty of Business Honour Roll Recipient for Excellence in Research (2006-2008).
2008 Best Paper Award for “Website Design, Trust, Satisfaction and Loyalty: A Multiple Country Investigation”, presented at the Seventh Pre-ICIS HCI Research in MIS Workshop (HCI/MIS’07), Paris.
2008 SFU Faculty of Business Recognition for Productivity in Research.
2007 SFU Faculty of Business “Research Productivity: Top Ten 2004-2006” Recognition. 4th place in the entire business faculty with 16 publications.
2007 Letter of Commendation from SFU President for news media and university service. A recent interview on TechTV (3 milllion viewers) may be seen here.
2006 Best Paper Award for “Exploring Website Design and Mobility for Culture, Age, and Gender”, presented at the European Applied Research Conference, Florence, Italy
2005-6 Faculty of Business Teaching Honour Roll recognizing the top 10% of teaching faculty
2005 Letter of commendation for outstanding teaching performance (SFU Faculty of Business) Spring semester
2004 Letter of commendation for outstanding teaching performance (SFU Faculty of Business) Fall semester
2003 Selected to represent Simon Fraser University at the President’s Research Luncheon. Only twenty-one researchers were selected from across the entire SFU campus to profile their research for a corporate and media audience.
2003 Best Paper Award for “Localization of Web Design: A Comparison of German, Japanese, and U.S. Website Characteristics”, presented at the International Applied Business Research Conference, Acapulco.
2002 Best Paper Award for “The Localization Industry: A Profile of DNA Media”, presented at the International Applied Business Research Conference, Puerto Vallarta.
1999 Teaching Honor Roll, Simon Fraser University
1997 Invited Listing in "Who's Who" in International Business
1997 Scholarship Recipient (from University of Colorado) to attend a Faculty Development Work shop in International Human Resource Management
1997 Honorary Designate, Intellectual Exchange Program, American Consulate
1996 Achieved accreditation as a Business Network Advisor under the Canadian Business Net works Coalition (aimed to facilitate strategic alliances between small and medium size companies).
1995-96 Awarded a contract for the development of a Strategic Partnering Service for the British Columbia Trade Development Corporation. Developed and delivered a series of seminars about alliance options and effectiveness.
1995 Awarded second prize by the European Foundation for Management Development in the European Case Writing Competition. Case titled "Creating Cultural Change in a Swedish- Hungarian Joint Venture" with teaching note included.
1991 Doctoral Fellowship from the National Centre for Management Research and Development, University of Western Ontario
1988-90 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Fellowship